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IRIS Is A Photobooth For Headshots That Costs Only $20

First global warming, now this? The end of the world has arrived. Just kidding, we're being overly dramatic. 

Need a headshot for $20? IRIS is basically the one-stop headshot booth. It's a glorified modern day photobooth. I saw this come across my desk and I suppose we really shouldn't be surprised. 

I looked into what it gives you. So you get 6 attempts at getting the shot, and once you pick it, you get the high res image, and an option to buy the rest at a whopping $5. 

So how do the photos look like? Here are a few samples I found from the website: 

It seems like they've even integrated "retouching" into it as well. So you basically pay online and download the images from the website. 

From the quality of the photos, these absolutely will never replace a great headshot photographer. The limitations are also the fact that people don't know what looks good. However, is it enough to fill the needs of most people? I guess we'll have to see. Also the limiting factor is that they're only available in a few cities so far. 

In my opinion, these just look like passport photos. Hire a professional.