Photography, Retouching, and Life. 

The free-writing platform of Pratik Naik. A mix of curated content and personal writings. 

IRIS Is A Photobooth For Headshots That Costs Only $20

IRIS Is A Photobooth For Headshots That Costs Only $20

First global warming, now this? The end of the world has arrived. Just kidding, we're being overly dramatic. 

Need a headshot for $20? IRIS is basically the one-stop headshot booth. It's a glorified modern day photobooth. I saw this come across my desk and I suppose we really shouldn't be surprised. 

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I looked into what it gives you. So you get 6 attempts at getting the shot, and once you pick it, you get the high res image, and an option to buy the rest at a whopping $5. 

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So how do the photos look like? Here are a few samples I found from the website: 

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It seems like they've even integrated "retouching" into it as well. So you basically pay online and download the images from the website. 

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From the quality of the photos, these absolutely will never replace a great headshot photographer. The limitations are also the fact that people don't know what looks good. However, is it enough to fill the needs of most people? I guess we'll have to see. Also the limiting factor is that they're only available in a few cities so far. 

In my opinion, these just look like passport photos. Hire a professional. 


COLORFUR: The Photography Project About The Colorful World Of Dogs

COLORFUR: The Photography Project About The Colorful World Of Dogs

There's A New Pen Tool Coming To Photoshop CC

There's A New Pen Tool Coming To Photoshop CC