Photography, Retouching, and Life.
The free-writing platform of Pratik Naik. A mix of curated content and personal writings.
The course is 2 full days, where I fly to you and teach you everything I know about retouching on your own setup. Before arriving, I study your work and customize my course to cover everything you want to know specifically. It's very comprehensive and tailor made to fit your needs.
Due to comfort and familiarity of your own setup and surroundings, working with you on your setup allows for optimal retention of information. Since it spans two days, it's enough time to allow us to go at your own comfortable pace as well.
I also make sure that by the time I leave, you are able to perform the same techniques in front of me and demonstrate that you got it to a point that you are satisfied with. Prior to, I also do everything in front of you to show you how I got from start, to end, with the results you would expect.
It's built upon a system of constant reiteration and hands on practice. I cover everything multiple times and we get plenty of time to have you practice each step as I go.
In the end, we also get enough time to work on your own personal files and I make sure that I answer every question you have.
Even after the course is over, if you have any questions at all, I am forever available to you to answer them.
Cost and Logistics
The course itself is $1,500 for one full day or $2,500 for two full days plus the cost of travel (flight/stay/food). I fly to you and work on your own setup as mentioned below (benefits of the course). I am based in Houston and would fly from my current location.
I find that two full days is more than enough time to grasp all the information needed at a comfortable pace.
The course can be taken on any Wednesday through Sunday of the week. For any questions whatsoever, or if you would like to take the course, get in touch with me at
If you would like to take the class with a friend, I offer discount rates as well. E-mail me to discuss those options.
If you would like to be kept on an e-mail list for potential seminars in your area, e-mail me to let me know as well.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Benefits of the Course
1. The course itself is customized to you, not the other way around. If you've ever been in a classroom or a seminar setting, it's difficult to get personalized attention. This is getting your own specialized teacher.
2. Do you ever wonder why you see the professionals on your screen perform so well, but when you try to follow along, you seem to be missing that 'something' that prevents you from being able to work like they can?
Most of the magic in retouching is not the technique, but how each technique is executed behind the screen. Your settings, how you physically work, and other details matter. You need someone to be there to figure out where you may be lacking. With DVDs, you only get to see what's on the screen and not how they are working. It's like painting, if you only saw the canvas with paint being applied, it wouldn't be complete. Seeing someone work in front of you makes it crystal clear. It also allows me to see where each problem may lie when you work in front of me. You'd be surprised at what you're doing wrong without even realizing it!
3. Teaching you on your own setup allows you to retain more information. When you see me work on the same setup you work with on a daily basis, due to the familiarity of your surrounding area, the information is retained at a much faster rate.
4. Being a photographer as well, I can communicate with you in ways other retouchers cannot, thus allowing me to communicate techniques explained through the eyes of a photographer, and not just a retoucher.
5. Sometimes, problems are very specific to each person. Like going to a doctor, we find a diagnosis with what is holding you back in your workflow and cure any problems.
6. With DVD's, if you get stuck in a certain situation, you really can't ask any questions. This course is about you and it's unique because it is adjusted to fit your needs. You won't find this level of customization, personal care, and openness anywhere in any class, program, dvd, or tutorial.