Photography, Retouching, and Life. 

The free-writing platform of Pratik Naik. A mix of curated content and personal writings. 

How Photoshop Is Used To Accommodate  Middle East's Modesty Laws

How Photoshop Is Used To Accommodate  Middle East's Modesty Laws

I admit, the first time I saw these images I though they were fake. Someone probably added their clothes on as a joke. But when I realized the context and saw the source of the images, it made sense. The fact that the execution was bad made it hilarious. Accommodate

"Bikinis and mini-skirts may be commonplace in the Western world, but the Middle-East is a slightly different story. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran enforce strict modesty laws on women in keeping with Islamic tradition, and prohibit any skin other than the face and hands from showing. These restrictions even apply to Britney and Madonna, as it turns out." - Bored Panda

For example, we have Christina's album, Lotus. We've seen the cover, and then the bottom is the one seen abroad. 

I had absolutely no idea they did alternative covers but it makes complete sense. It's fascinating taking a look at a few of them! 

To see more, you can find them on Bored Panda.

Shakira? Throw some leaves on that girl. 

I wish cropping solved all life's problems. 

Stripped? Not happening. 

The best part about this one is they just took a big black brush and just painted all over here. You can tell from the way it just ends and her top starts. Great PS job!

More cowbell... or stickers. 

Check Out This Photoshop Timelapse Video On How This Concept Was Created

Check Out This Photoshop Timelapse Video On How This Concept Was Created

Job Posting: Rankin Is Looking For A Retoucher

Job Posting: Rankin Is Looking For A Retoucher