This Video Shows Exactly Why You Should Put Away Your Cell Phone During A Wedding
A huge pet peeve many people have is seeing so many cell phones at weddings. It can ruin the photos and videos taken during the day.
The downside is that the bride and groom spend so much money on a beautiful venue, arrangements, and a photographer and videographer to capture it all. The sight of cell phones everywhere really makes it a bit uglier.
However, there are times that the bride and groom welcome it. After all, we do live in the social-media generation. Plus, the family can definitely request people to not take out their cell phone ahead of time. People who can't attend the wedding end up joining in on the special moment.
Although we don't know what side of things this family was on, this video does make a good case for keeping your cell phone in your pocket during the wedding.
However, would we have seen this video if cell phones weren't prohibited?

This Model Didn't Like How A Photographer Wanted To Charge Him To Work Together