Capture One Webinar: Color Workflow Tools
Just yesterday, I was fortunate enough to spend the day in Sunny Oxford, England with David Grover and my dear Bella Kotak!
David is host and instructor over at the Capture One Pro channel for all things about the program. I was invited to talk a little bit about the color tools I use in Capture One. So David kindly played host and we had fun with the webinar. Fortunately, it was recorded and placed on YouTube, which you may find below!
It turned out that we broke a record for the most number of people registered for a webinar! So thank you to everyone who was interested. Also, we had so many of my friends submit images for us to play with! So thank you to everyone who did, I am truly grateful to be able to share what I love, and having the platform to share my knowledge.
Although this may not be new to everyone, I hope it inspires those who are looking to learn. Even if you learned one thing, I am definitely happy.
If you'd like to learn about Capture One in depth or learn my entire retouching workflow, check out my courses here.