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The Photographer Who Recreated "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark"

Growing up, I vividly remember "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark." Chances are, you may as well if we're about the same age. The unmistakable style depicting each story surpassed even my own imagination. The stringy free-flowing drawings became tattooed into my memories for years to come. 

I wish I was the one who thought of this idea, but Liz Osban made it happen.

Based in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Liz decided to recreate these masterpieces through photography. Here are some of the pieces she came up with alongside the references. 

"Cold as Clay" (Story)

The Red Spot (Story)

The Girl Who Stood On The Grave (Story

The Church (Story)

The Bride (Story)

You can find her original post here, along with a timelapse video of her retouching process. Also, be sure to check out her website here