Photography, Retouching, and Life. 

The free-writing platform of Pratik Naik. A mix of curated content and personal writings. 

This App Lets You Animate Faces In Photos And It's Hilarious

This App Lets You Animate Faces In Photos And It's Hilarious

Mug Life is an app for iOS that allows you to import photos into the app, and it allows you to animate any face! 

I couldn't stop laughing when my friend Linus sent an animated version of myself to me. For example, here's a photo of me, and next to it is the animated version! 


You can use it for free! They come with basic templates, and you can pay $3.99 for more features. 

Aside for fun, I am thinking of different applications of the app, but for now I'll wait to see what people create with it! 

Interview With Famed Retoucher Nick Leadlay

Interview With Famed Retoucher Nick Leadlay

Could CGI Models Replace Influencers And Human Models?

Could CGI Models Replace Influencers And Human Models?